This morning she seen a photo of her self in her little incubator and said "that's me, but where is my mammy?" it hit me so hard in the stomach and I had no idea what to reply. We made the decision early on for her to be aware of her history so we have and will not hide it.. I replied I was sitting on the chair watching you grow.
What makes it more amazing is that I never thought she would be able to ask such a questions as due to a huge hearing loss she was all sign language communication up until August last year. She is such an amazing little girl and you really do believe anything is possible when you look at what she has been through.
Not sure why im all emotional about it, probably as she has been ill for the last couple of days and I cant rationalise when she is poorly I just see her as fragile as she was then. But I took a photo of her this afternoon and Im so proud of her I had to write it all down and share whats in my head today... Sorry its nothing todo with paint you will get nothing but paint tomorrow I promise haha <3
Here is Daisys video of photos from day one my dad says it will bring a tear to a glass eye so tissues out at the ready <3
Daisy today